October 5, 2011

New Lovelies!

There are several new lovelies over at my Etsy shop 
that I want to share with you!

Two prim/country pumpkin towels  
(click on the pics for the link to the etsy page)

A prim/country snowman towel.

Two cute gingerbread pot holders made by my Hannah!

Don't forget...

Go HERE to enter the gift certificate 
giveaway to my Etsy shop!


Go HERE for the 20% off coupon code 
to everything in my Etsy shop!


Intentional Living Homestead said...

Those are so cute...love anything Prim.

Carmen at Old House Homestead said...

Thank you so much! : )

Gert said...

Oh my gosh these are amazing! You are so gifted!!! I love them all!!

xoxo Gert

Carmen at Old House Homestead said...

Aw, thank you, Gert.


sweetybird09 said...

Those are really cute and seasonal items!

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