June 24, 2011

Bathroom Mini Makeover

I had a fun day trip in May with my BFF to Shipshewana, a local Amish town that is where you go for some cute decor and some yummy food!  I bought several clearanced and half price things because I'm a cheap frugal kinda gal.  I bought things I liked, not knowing where it would all go, but a few made it into the bathroom mini makeover.  I also repurposed several things around the house that worked, too.  Hubby and I made some new towel hooks so that was the main source of inspiration.

The burgundy plaid shower curtain was bought on an after Christmas deal for $6 a few years ago!  I have left it up.  It sort of goes with my decor.  I'm looking for something a little different, though, but haven't found anything that fits my budget yet.  Until then this will work.  The star above the shower was bought on sale at a shop in Shipshewana (recent trip).

I bought this print in Shipshewana last summer for $9.  It was a 75% off deal!  Woo hoo!  The shutters were given to me from a friend (they were wood grain)...I'll share how I revamped them in another post some time.  The little pip berry star I had elsewhere in the house.

I bought the black basket for a few dollars in a craft store bin and sprayed it black.  (It holds my curlers...yes, I own curlers. Sadly, I rarely use them.)  The wreath was one that was in the bathroom by itself, but I added the black star in the middle of it.  The wooden towel rack holds several towels!  Not as many as we need, but it works for right now.

The soap bowl, cup, and star votive holder were bought for a little bit of nothing from a shop in Shipshewana (the recent trip).  I have hand made soaps in it made by my friend Kelly and for sale over at the Mercantile

I have some fun things to share with you that I'm working on for the dining room, but they're not quite finished yet.  I can't wait to share them!

What are you working on around your house?  Any mini or major makeovers happening? Please share!


Anonymous said...

Very cute! My kind of style. :)

Mika said...

You did a great job! I sadly have no decorating bones in my body so I'm always jealous of those who do so well with it!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Very nice :)

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