August 20, 2010

Life's Seasons

Dear Readers,

I have come to a season in my life when I need to whittle down my busy schedule to make room for other things.  My main goal in starting this blog was to share my favorite recipes while also earning a little extra income.  I've accomplished the sharing part, but the earning extra money part...not so much.  I have since started my new Old House Mercantile site to sell crafts and foods.  That will be up and running in September (Lord willing).  I only have so much extra time in my day that I feel I need to focus more on the Old House Mercantile site. I need to use my time the best advantage to our family.  My plan is to post a kitchen tip on Tuesdays, Queen of the Castle post on Thursdays, a recipe on Saturdays, with an occasional picture post.  If free time allows I may post more often, but I wanted to explain why there will not be a post every day like clockwork.  As usual I welcome your questions and comments! 

Blessings to you and yours,


Pioneer Beauty said...

I pray the Lord bless you in your endeavors as you seek to glorify Him in being a Keeper of the home He has so lovingly blessed you with.
In Christ

Anonymous said...

You are a wise woman, Carmen! I look forward to seeing your Merchantile! God bless you! ~Kelly in MN

Unknown said...

I'll really miss your Monday menu plan, but best wishes in your new endeavors!

Carmen at Old House Homestead said...

Joy, you're too can still see the old menu plans for some inspiration. Just search under "menu" on the side bar. : )

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