I'm typing this out like it is on my recipe card. There's no ingredient list, really. That's how grandma's cook, you know?! I'll do my best to guide you along.
10 lb. picnic ham in a large roasting pan, covered mostly with water. Cook in a 350 degree oven for 5 hours or so.
Take the ham out to rest. It's so exhausting, you know?! ; )
Bring the juices from the ham to a boil (after skimming out the fat pieces). You may need to add a bit more water.
Put popeye (see below) in gently one at a time...or they'll stick together. (It's tedious but well worth it!! Cook them for about 15 minutes. And no, the popeye that you put in first won't be "overcooked" by the time the last popeye are done.)
**Here's me flipping over my recipe card**
Beat 6 or 7 eggs in a large mixing bowl (with a fork, no mixer allowed!)
Mix in pepper (how much isn't written down but I would do no more than a 1/2 teaspoon)
Stir in about 3 cups SELF-RISING flour until the dough can be rolled (1/4 inch thick). (It'll be really sticky-goey but then you'll plop it out on a floured counter and knead in a little bit of flour so you can roll it. Real precise, I know. Again...that's the charm of grandma's cooking!)
Cut the dough into squares about 2"x2" or smaller. (I use a dull pizza cutter and cut it right on the counter.)
Well there ya have it! Ham and Popeye! It goes great with mashed potatoes and Grandma's Mac-n-Cheese along with some biscuits! Yum!
* Print is from Art Country Canada
Oh man, this sounds sounds sooo good! Bet those little noodle squares puff up all doughy and delicious...thanks for sharing this one!
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Can't wait to try this! TFS Grandma's recipe.
My M-I-L was famous for her fluffy, buttery rolls. I asked if I could copy her recipe but of course she didn't have one written down - she made them like her Mom did, by watching. So I watched too & tried to keep up & write down approximations & instructions as she gave them. Loved her final comment, "See? You started out with a bag of flour & if you end up w/a quarter cup, you've done it right." Luckily, not long after that one of those recipe-a-month club packs came in the mail to entice. I thumbed thru before chucking & happened to find one for rolls that looked very similar to Bea's. Still love & plan to pass down "our" handwritten one tho!
Thankyou, I've been looking for this recipe forever!!
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